Introducing UL electrical insulation system, ER7468, designed as single component heat cure for VPI (vacuum pressure impregnation) and dip/bake applications, provide complete impregnation of transformers and laminations.
The benefits of ER7468 are:
- UL rated insulation system up to 220°C
- Exceptional core noise and wire vibration reduction
- Extremely flexible upon cure with outstanding bond strength
- Excellent tank stability
- 100% solids (No VOC)
- Low viscosity
- DOT non-hazardous
Product Primary Use Viscosity Gel Time Cure Time
Product: ER7468
Primary Use: 100% Solventless Electrically Insulating Resin
Viscosity: 700cps
Gel Time: 35mins
Cure Time: 4hrs @ 150C
Product: ER7468-2
Primary Use: Fast Cure Time version of ER7468
Viscosity: 700cps
Gel Time: 15mins
Cure Time: 4hrs @ 150C
Product: ER7468-2TC
Primary Use: Thermally Conductive version of ER7468
Viscosity: 6000cps
Gel Time: 35mins
Cure Time: 4hrs @ 150C
For over 25 years, STAR Technology has formulated innovative solutions for the transformer industry and our technical staff is here to help you with tank compatibility and stability for proper care and handling of your impregnating resins. Call 1.800.741.7833 today!